script kiddie

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What is a Script Kiddie?

A script kiddie is a Chippers-Beginner trying to exploit vulnerabilities using various ready-made tools and scripts. In contrast to the technical attacker, the knowledge of a script kiddie is still very limited.

The origin of the term

The term script kiddie comes from English. Translated, it refers to a person who uses other people's scripts or programs to gain unauthorized access to computer systems. Since this is usually a young person who is usually no older than 22, they have rarely already completed IT training. She acquires her computer skills using the Internet through forums, tutorials and virtual friends that she makes in chats.

Knowledge of script kiddies

A script kiddie is someone who has an affinity for IT and a rudimentary understanding of how computer systems and networks work. With the help of the Internet and the completed scripts and exploits, script kiddies can be successful, although a deep understanding of the connections between different protocols does not yet exist. Script kiddies search the Internet for the necessary tools, scripts and instructions and thus create sufficient basic knowledge to act. But the success rate of the Cyber ​​attacks A script kiddie's rating is lowered by his lack of knowledge, as he relies on completed scripts to carry out his actions, which he can adapt himself in rare cases.

A technical attacker, on the other hand, would be able to modify scripts and exploits and write them themselves. He differs from the script kiddie because he has usually completed IT training, understands the processes in systems and computer networks and has a deeper understanding of the connections between services and protocols.

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The danger of script kiddies

A lack of experience and understanding on the part of the script kiddies about computer networks can pose dangers. If a script kiddie manages to compromise a machine, he will use scripts and exploits to try to increase his privileges. Most of the time, he's driven by curiosity about how far he can penetrate the system.

Exploits can often overload computers. Thus, a possible incident would be that a script kiddie executes an exploit that attacks a production machine and causes a denial of service, even though the intention of the script kiddie was different. This could be a major monetary loss for the attacked company as production comes to a standstill.

script kiddies

Experienced hackers know these dangers and therefore analyze the exploits for the first time before they run them “blindly” on a system. Analyzing scripts is therefore very important, also in order to understand how the vulnerability is exploited and what side effects such an exploit can have on the system.

You have to remember that script kiddies are amateur hackers who are characterized by a high level of curiosity. They want to implement their newly acquired knowledge or test a newly discovered exploit. Once in the system, script kiddies get an adrenaline rush from the sense of achievement, which is heightened when they unexpectedly find sensitive data that they shouldn't have access to.

Darknet Diaries In episode 17, reports about a script kiddie who manages to compromise the school network and gain access to sensitive data. Excited about his success in making it onto the network, he forgets what consequences his actions can have and publishes the data he finds on the school principal's Twitter account, even though this was not his actual goal.

Script kiddies miss the fact that they have to be held liable for their actions and overlook the damage that their actions can cause to others, be they private individuals or companies.

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The intentions and the motivation

The intention of many script kiddies is to impress those around them. This includes friends, classmates and family as well as other hackers or other script kiddies. The targets of a script kiddie can be acquaintances, family, schools, but also companies that attract their attention. Through their curiosity, script kiddies quickly learn their knowledge and then use it in the form of pranks on their friends. For example, they manipulate a PC that continuously opens new browser windows or hack their friends' Facebook accounts to post funny pictures. In such cases, harm is not the actual intention, but rather a means to an end.

However, there are also script kiddies whose motivation is gloating or revenge. They steal credit card information, take DoS attacks take action against companies and hack their classmates' Facebook accounts to embarrass them online.
The intentions of the script kiddies are diverse. Depending on their motivation, they cause more or less damage.

Our Conclusion

A script kiddie is a computer user who, despite lacking computer knowledge, tries to compromise other people's computer systems. His motivation is to be recognized by others, for which he is willing to cause harm to others. This urge causes script kiddies to move into illegal territory and cause more harm than they themselves might intend.
With regular penetration testing you can protect yourself against script kiddies and other hackers. We at ProSec support you in defending against cyber threats.

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