Introduce home office, but how?

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The task of the employer with home office

As an employer, you have a duty of care. It is therefore currently advisable to send your employees to work from home. Perhaps you are now faced with the problem of missing digitization and processes, so that you do not even know where to start now.

Why should you call us?

We are leading IT security experts - the technical introduction of home office is not a real obstacle, but working in the home office must follow some legal requirements such as the EU GDPR or other IT security-related laws.

Or do you still want to in this situation get hacked, just because your VPN or “Teamviewer” is insecure?

We have therefore set up an "emergency" hotline for you so that we can provide first aid.

Please understand that no call center is waiting for you, only IT security experts, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics.

We help by phone
+49 (0) 261 45093090!
Book a training for your staff now!
Call now!

Points to consider when planning

Here e.g. B. Some points that you absolutely have to consider, which we will discuss and plan with you in peace:

  • Is there currently one VPN solution for the current mobile work?
  • Are services in the cloud, if so, which services do you use?
  • Should sensitive / critical data be reached? (Health data, financial accounting, personal data), if so, which ones?
  • Which roles/positions/departments cannot work remotely?
  • Which roles can control or lead remotely? (Leading position)
  • Do you need the option of a company messenger? (chat function)
  • What bandwidth is available at which company location?

And much more

Why are we asking these and other questions?

Every company is individual - therefore every introduction of telework or home office has to be considered individually. That is why we have created a sophisticated questionnaire so that we can develop a sensible concept for you. Ideally, this should then be implemented together with your IT service provider, so give us a call now!
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