Warning AA20296A

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What is Alert AA20296A?

Warning (AA20296A) – State-sponsored Russian APT hackers compromise US government targets.


This cybersecurity advisory, written by the FBI and CISA, provides information about the Russian state-sponsored APT hackers who are actively threatening various networks within the US government sector and the US aviation sector. This advisory is an update to Cybersecurity Advisory AA20-283A, also written by CISA and FBI.

It has now become known that the aforementioned Russian hackers (also known as Berserk Bear, Energetik Bear, TeamSpy, Dragonfly, Havex, Crouching Yeti and Koala) have been running a campaign against various targets in the US since at least September 2020. The hackers have attacked a variety of targets within the US government sector and aviation agency, attempted to break into various SLTT organizations, successfully compromised network infrastructure and, as on
October 1, 2020, data was retrieved from at least two servers.

The hackers received user and admin credentials with which they could set up initial access, move within the network and locate high-value targets. At least one attack on a network gave you access to documents related to:

  • Sensitive network configurations and passwords
  • Standard operating procedures (SOP), such as information about multi-factor authentication
  • IT instructions, such as password reset instructions
  • Seller and purchase information
  • Printing security badges

As of today (October 22, 2020), the FBI and CISA have no information that the attackers targeted aviation, education, elections, or government operations. However, it may be that the attackers are trying to gain access in order to influence such operations in the future, such as influencing US policies and actions or to sabotage SLTT government offices.

The latest activities have been targeted at the SLTT network, which is why it can be assumed that election documents that are in the SLTT network could also be affected. However, both the FBI and CISA have no evidence that the integrity of the election data was compromised. Due to the increased diligence in dealing with everything election-related and the attacks on the SLTT network, the FBI and CISA are on high alert and will continue to monitor all activities


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Technical details

According to FBI and CISA observations, the ATP attackers have compromised SLTT networks and the aviation sectors. The APTs use Turkish IP addresses for their attack
213.74.101[.]65, 213.74.139[.]196, and 212.252.30[.]170 to connect to the victims' web servers. (Exploit Public Facing Application [T1190]).

The attackers use 213.74.101[.]65, 213.74.139[.]196 to perform prey force logins, and also in many cases to perform SQL injection on the victim sites (Brute Force [T1110]; Exploit Public Facing Application [T1190 ]). Furthermore, domains were hosted that target, among other things, the aviation sector columbusairports.microsoftonline[.]host, which resolves the IP 108.177.235[.]92 and [cityname].westus2.cloudapp.azure.com; These domains are registered in the US and are likely targets in an attack on the SLTT sector (Drive-By Compromise [T1189]).

The attackers are scanning for vulnerabilities in Citrix and Microsoft Exchange Service and have identified vulnerable systems, likely to be compromised in future attacks. The attackers use a Citrix Directory vulnerability (CVE-2019-19781) and a Microsoft Exchange remote code execution bug (CVE-2020-0688).

The APTs were observed establishing connections via Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN to enable remote logins on at least one network, likely by exploiting an SMTP vulnerability (CVE 2019-10149) (External Remote Services [T1133]). Just recently, the attackers exploited a vulnerability in Fortinet VPN (CVE-2018-13379) to gain initial access [TA0001] and a Windows Netlog vulnerability (CVE-2020-1472) to gain access to Windows AD Server for privileges -Execute Escalation [TA0004] within the network (Valid Accounts [T1078]). These vulnerabilities can also be used to compromise other devices in the network (Lateral Movement [TA0008]) and Remain Persistent [TA0003]).

Between early February and mid-September, the attackers used the IPs 213.74.101[.]65, 212.252.30[.]170, 5.196.167[.]184, 37.139.7[.]16, 149.56.20[.]55 , 91.227.68[.]97, and 5.45.119[.]124 to attack US government networks. Successful authentications – including on Microsoft Office 365 (O365) accounts – were registered in at least one network (Valid Accounts [T1078]).

Containment and mitigation Indicators of compromise

The attackers used the following IP addresses and domains for their attacks:

  • 213.74.101[.]65
  • 213.74.139[.]196
  • 212.252.30[.]170
  • 5.196.167[.]184
  • 37.139.7[.]16
  • 149.56.20[.]55
  • 91.227.68[.]97
  • 138.201.186[.]43
  • 5.45.119[.]124
  • 193.37.212[.]43
  • 146.0.77[.]60
  • 51.159.28[.]101
  • columbusairports.microsoft online[.]host
  • microsoftonline[.]host
  • email.microsoftonline[.]services
  • microsoft online[.]services
  • cityname[.]westus2. cloudapp.azure.com

The IP address 51.159.28[.]101 appears to be configured to receive stolen
Obtain credentials from Windows NTLM. The FBI and CISA therefore advise companies and
Organizations to take measures to reduce the risk of a leak of the NTLM
Prevent login credentials. Therefore it is recommended to deactivate the NTLM service,
or restrict outgoing NTLM data. You should also consider blocking the IP address 51.159.28[.]101 (however, this is not a XNUMX% solution as it assumes that the attackers will set up additional entry points or have already done so. SMB should also be used or WebDAV activity is observed leaving the network to other IP addresses.

See AA20-296A.stix for a download of IOCs.

Network Defense in Depth

Proper network defense-in-depth and compliance with information security policies helps prevent the risk. The following instructions are intended to help make networks more secure against such attacks.

  • It is advised to keep all applications up to date, paying special attention to frontend applications as well as remote access applications to CVE-2019-19781, CVE-2020-0688, CVE 2019-10149, CVE-2018-13379, and counteract CVE-2020-1472. Table 1 provides patch information for these CVEs


weak spotEndangered productsPatch information
  • Citrix Application Delivery Controller
  • Citrix Gateway
  • Citrix SDWAN WANOP
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3 Update Rollup 30
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 23
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Cumulative Update 14
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Cumulative Update 15
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 Cumulative Update 3
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 Cumulative Update 4
  • Exim versions 4.87-4.91
  • FortiOS 6.0: 6.0.0 to 6.0.4
  • FortiOS 5.6: 5.6.3 to 5.6.7
  • FortiOS 5.4: 5.4.6 to 5.4.12
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1 (Server Core Installation)
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 (Server Core Installation)
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2019 (Server Core Installation)
  • Windows Server, version 1903 (Server Core installation)
  • Windows Server, version 1909 (Server Core installation)
  • Windows Server, version 2004 (Server Core installation)
  • Follow Microsoft's guidelines for monitoring activities related to the Netlogon vulnerability (CVE-2020-1472)
  • Where possible, it is advisable to prevent all external communications running over SMB (or comparable protocols) by blocking TCP ports 139 and 445 and UDP port 137. More information in the CISA Guide SMB Security Best Practices
  • Implementation of the prevention, detection and containment strategies described in more detail below:
    • CISA Alert TA15-314A – Compromised Web Servers and Web Shells – Threat Awareness and Guidance
    • The NSA Cybersecurity Bulletin U/OO/134094-20 - Detect and Prevent Web Shells Malware.
  • Isolate outward-facing services in a DMZ as they are more vulnerable to attacks; enable logging and monitor the logs for signs of attacks
  • Establish a training mechanism to educate end users on proper email and web usage, highlight current information and analysis, and identify common indicators of phishing. End users should receive clear instructions on how to report unusual or suspicious emails.
  • Implement application controls to only allow execution from specific application directories. System administrators can implement this via Microsoft Software Restriction Policy, AppLocker or similar software. Secure default settings allow applications to run from PROGRAMFILES, PROGRAMFILES(X86) and WINDOWS folders. All other locations should not be allowed.
  • Block RDP connections originating from untrusted external addresses.

Comprehensive account resets

For accounts where NTLM hashes or Kerberos tickets may already have been compromised (e.g. by CVE-2020-1472), a double password reset may be required to prevent further access. Domain Admin credentials may require a reset of the KRB-TGT “Golden Tickets”. Microsoft has already provided a guide for this. Such a reset must be carried out with extreme caution.

If there is a compromise of Netlogon activities (CVE-2020-1472) or other indicators of credential abuse, then it must be assumed that ATP compromised the AD admin accounts.
In such a case, the AD forest must not be fully trusted, and therefore a new forest must be used. Existing hosts from the old, compromised forest cannot be migrated without being rejoined to the new domain. The endpoints in the old forest must be shut down by "Creative Destruction", and new ones can be created in the new forest. This needs to be done both on-premises and in the Azure-hosted AD instances.

Note that a complete reset of the AD Forests is very difficult and complex, it is best to carry out this task under the supervision of specialist personnel who already have experience.

It is important that a full password reset is performed on all users and computer accounts in the AD forest. The following points serve as guidelines

  • Create a temporary admin account and use this account exclusively for administrative purposes.
  • Reset the Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket (krbtgt). [1] This must be done before any further steps are taken.
  • Wait until the krbtgt reset has arrived at all domain controllers. (The time may vary)
  • Reset all account passwords (Passwords should be at least 15 characters or longer):
    • User Accounts (Enforced, without reusing legacy passwords)
    • Local accounts on hosts (including local accounts not covered by LASP
    • Official Accounts
    • Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM) account
    • Domain control system
    • Application passwords
  • Reset the krbtgt password again
  • Wait until the krbtgt reset has arrived at all domain controllers. (The time may vary)
  • Restart the domain controllers
  • Restart all endpoints

The following accounts should be reset:

  • AD Kerberos Authenticator Master (2x)
  • All Active Directory accounts
  • All AD Admin accounts
  • All AD Servie accounts
  • All AD user accounts
  • DSRM account of the domain controller
  • Non-AD Privileged Accounts
  • Non-AD Unprivileged Application Accounts
  • Non-Windows Privileged Accounts
  • Non-Windows user accounts
  • Windows Computer Accounts
  • Windows local admin

VPN vulnerabilities

Implement the following recommendations for VPN security:

  • Update VPNs, network infrastructure devices, and devices used for remote access to work environments with the latest software patches and security configurations. See the CISA Tip Understanding Patches and Software Updates and Securing Network Infrastructure Devices. If possible, enable automatic updates.
  • Implement MFA on all VPN connections to increase security. Physical security tokens are the most secure form of MFA, followed by MFA based on authentication applications. SMS and email based MFA should only be used when no other forms are available. If MFA is not implemented, require strong passwords from affected employees.

Turn off unused VPN servers. Reduce your organization's attack surface by eliminating unused VP servers that can serve as an entry point for attackers. Protect your company from VPN vulnerabilities:

  • Audit configuration and patch management programs
  • Monitor network traffic for unexpected and unauthorized protocols, especially outbound protocols to the Internet (e.g. SSH, SMB, RDP). Implement MFA, particularly for privileged accounts.
  • Use of separate management accounts on separate management workstations
  • Keep software up to date. If possible, enable automatic updates.