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IT Vulnerability Analysis

Through our thorough IT vulnerability analysis, we evaluate the security of your IT systems to proactively identify any weaknesses and protect your organization from potential threats.

Certified penetration testers scan, document, and present discovered attack vectors within your IT infrastructure to establish a robust security strategy. In practice, it goes beyond identifying and categorizing risks.

Rather, it demands long-term, effective measures to contain the risk and extract valuable insights. Our IT vulnerability analysis for businesses focuses on areas where project leaders can take concrete actions, leading to a substantial enhancement of security.

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Why do I need an IT vulnerability analysis?

"Nearly every company nowadays operates with interfaces to the internet, whether you run a website, an online store, or provide VPN access to your employees. In all these scenarios, there are potential points of attack and weaknesses in your systems."

IT Security is a critical aspect that impacts not only large enterprises but also small and medium-sized businesses. Our IT vulnerability analysis is tailored to help identify weaknesses in your IT infrastructure, making it an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes.

Vulnerability Analysis or Pentest?

Basically, both methods are used to test the resilience of your IT infrastructure.

In a Vulnerability Analysis (as shown in the figure above) security gaps are identified and documented through automated processes. The results are further reviewed manually by our penetration testers to eliminate false positives. You will receive a comprehensive report that compiles and presents all documented vulnerabilities.

A Penetration test (as shown in the figure) is tailored to fit your specific IT infrastructure and comprises several manually conducted actions. The results from various system-specific vulnerability analyses are used as a foundation to exploit potential attack surfaces and penetrate deeper into the IT structure.

The vulnerability analysis is therefore a more superficial method, while the penetration test goes deeper into the IT structure.

Vulnerability Analysis Penetration Test

Our IT Vulnerability Analysis

In our vulnerability assessment, we employ automated procedures to identify and document your weaknesses. This not only saves time but also money. The results will be presented to you and can serve as the basis for subsequent penetration tests (often referred to as "pentests").


Analyze & Test

We analyze and test your systems, processes and interfaces of your IT infrastructure.


Documentation & Measures

Discovered weaknesses are documented by us and synthesized into a
comprehensive report to determine suitable actions.


Presentation & Awareness Raising

In a final presentation, our technicians showcase identified vulnerabilities and raise awareness among IT security employees.

What we can offer you

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